Bookings and Contact Information

As the Seehorse Inn Bed and Breakfast likes to make sure everyone is accommodated, please inquire availability at least two weeks in advance and clarify any dietary needs, allergies, and extra meals you may want as well as your lodging.

For those of you who are allergic to animals, and hay to the point of having to avoid them at all costs you might want to reconsider the Seehorseinn Bed and Breakfast. Even though we are an extremely clean and thoroughly deodorized place of lodging, we do have pets of our own here. We are sensitive to those who do not want pets in their company, but there are some danders and allergens only noticeable to the extremely sensitive that we cannot avoid.

All prices are tax included for your ease of planning. Please remember to have chash on hand as we operate with a country charm and do not have the luxury of interaq machines. This excludes the use of credit cards, debit cards and cheques (unless prior pre-authorizeation is given) Seehorse Inn will provide you with adaquate itemized recepts as well as a wonderful stay.

Your Bedroom and Breakfast will be included in your quoted price. Any other menu items, Lunch and Dinner are at an extra cost. We enjoy the option to offer all the perks to our friends who stay with us but will never be offended if you choose to explore the rest of the area for your dining needs.

In order to contact your Host, Sylvia Lancaster please phone
1-250-442-0771 or email at
